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Ev Ödevi, Makale, Eğilimler


The aim of the research was to examine the publications on homework in Turkey in the last five years according to various variables. In addition, the research aims to reveal the similarities and differences of trends in publications about homework, in line with the items shown in the research questions below. Considering the stated objectives, descriptive content analysis method was used in the research. The universe of the research consists of publications on homework indexed in the Google Academic database. In the research, 39 publications determined by the criterion sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, constitute the data sources in the sample group of the research. In order to collect data about the publications examined in the research, the "Homework Publications Review Form" was prepared by the researchers by reviewing the literature and taking expert opinions. The data of the research were analyzed using the content analysis technique. In the research, it was determined that in the publications on homework, qualitative research methods were preferred as a method and the case study model was preferred more than other models in the research process. It has been determined that purposive sampling, convenience sampling, criterion sampling and simple random sampling methods are preferred as sampling types in publications on homework in the last five years in Turkey.


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How to Cite

TİRİT, H., TÜRKMENOĞLU , M., KEYFLİ , D., BİNİCİ, L., KILIÇ, İrfan, & Ahmet. (2024). REVIEW OF TRENDS IN ARTICLES ON HOMEWORK: REVIEW OF TRENDS IN ARTICLES ON HOMEWORK. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(42), 79–90.

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