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Student, Learning, Motivation.Abstract
Education is the cornerstone of society and plays a key role in the personal development of individuals. Therefore, students' active participation in the educational process and how strong their motivation to learn greatly influence their success in education and their future potential. The middle school period is a time when students shape their basic learning habits and motivation. Therefore, understanding and assessing middle school students' motivation to learn is one of the critical success factors in education. Motivation is an internal process that affects students' engagement in the learning process, effort and achievement. Students' interest in learning activities, goals and values shape their motivation. Students' motivation for learning is an important factor affecting students' engagement in the learning process, achievement and attitudes. Measuring secondary school students' motivation to learn is an important step to increase their success in education. This research is a descriptive study in survey type. This research used a survey model to determine the factors affecting students' motivation to learn. In this research, the motivation to learn scale was used to determine the factors affecting the motivation to learn of secondary school students. The research findings show different factors that need to be taken into account to increase motivation to learn. It can be suggested that students should be supported in setting goals, showing patience, setting realistic goals and imagining their future career goals. In addition, teachers' ability to make lessons interesting and communicate with students can increase students' motivation. These findings can be used by educators and school administrators to better understand and support students' motivation to learn.
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