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Belediye, Eğitim, Öğretim, Hizmet.


In the study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of those who work in the units responsible for the education and training services of the municipalities in order to determine the relationship of the municipalities with the education and training services. Within the scope of the stated purpose, qualitative research approach was adopted as a method in the research. The study group of the research consists of 12 officials responsible for education and training in various municipalities in 2022. Purposive sampling method was used in the research. It was determined as a criterion that the officials participating in the research should have worked in the units related to education and training for at least 2 years. In the research, a semi-structured interview form was prepared to determine the relationship of municipalities with education services. There are five questions in the semi-structured interview form. The data obtained in the research were analyzed with the content analysis method. As a result of the research, the problems experienced in relations with municipal employees and educational institutions were gathered under the topics of "Vehicle Maintenance", "Miscellaneous Repairs", "Stationery Supply", "Cleaning Products Supply", "Resource Procurement for Social Activities". As a result of the research, the things done in the context of relations with the participating municipality employees and students are “Student Happiness”, “Absence”, “Family-Municipality-Student Cooperation”, “Municipal Perspective”; in the context of relations with families, "Inviting", "Meeting the Needs", "Increasing Cooperation", "Increased Interest", "Not Volunteering, "Increased Communication"; in the context of relations with teachers, "Contribution to the Promotion of Educational Services", "Receiving Demands", "Fulfilling Demands", "Continuous Communication", "Increase in the Number of Volunteer Teachers", "Increasing Awareness"; It has been determined that the things done in the context of relations with the school administration are gathered under the codes of "Finishing Physical Deficiencies", "Giving Financial Support", "Intensity of Demand", "Meeting Support Requests", "Strengthening Communication", "Participation in School Activities".


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How to Cite

ÖZEN, G., ÖZEN ÇERÇİ, N., KESİK, A., BOZKURT , R., ELÇİ, R., & ELÇİ, M. (2023). RELATIONSHIP OF MUNICIPALITIES WITH EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(26), 65–76.