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Mobbing, psychological harassment, job stress, mobbing in the workplace, psychological violence, emotional harassment


In our changing and developing world, people and accordingly the structure and coordination of companies are changing. In this context, the human factor has gained great importance. Although digital platforms have come to the fore, the success and survival of companies depends on the efficiency that can be obtained from their employees and this development is directly proportional. In this context; unfair, visible or invisible sanctions of people within the company to each other may affect the working life negatively as well as the organizational structure of the company. In this study, while looking at the stance of the employee against mobbing, it has been studied how this situation affects the employee's view and commitment to the organization. Mobbing, which has increased remarkably in recent years and is a workplace problem, is one of the company's discomforts today and related units have started to be established. In our country, this situation is systematically taken into account by corporate companies, although not on the basis of company units.


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How to Cite

ER, N. T. (2024). MOBBING, A CURRENT PROBLEM IN ORGANIZATIONS PSYCHOLOGICAL HARASSMENT: MOBBING. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(38), 35–50.