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Surrealism, Turkish Art, Women


Surrealism, which corresponds to Surrealism in Turkish, emerged during the war and depression in Europe. It is known as the most widespread and longest-lasting current of its period, which affected the whole world. Artists advocating surrealism go after the subconscious traces and dreams that reality creates in people's minds and produce works on this situation. It is seen that surreal elements are used in the architectural works of the Seljuk period and the miniatures of the Ottoman period in Turkish Painting Art. After the 1960s, it gained importance in Turkey and works with traces of Surrealism began to be produced by Turkish painters. It is seen that the surrealism movement still has an important effect on painters in contemporary Turkish painting art. The female figure is widely used in surrealist painting in Turkey. The image of woman is associated with nature, life and even the whole of life. Innocence, sanctity, mercy, fertility, elegance, creativity, protection and strong expression of women are depicted in every work in which the female figure is used. The aim of this article is to indicate the reflections and development process of Surrealism in Turkish art with its emergence in Europe and to examine the place of the female figure in Turkish Surrealist works. In the study, historical research model from qualitative research method was applied. As a result, it has been observed that the image of woman has an important place in Turkish Surrealist Painting Art, women are valued and many Turkish Surrealist artists describe the woman image with a positive and important point of view.


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How to Cite

YAVUZ, F. M., & ÖZDEMİR, G. (2023). WOMAN FIGURE IN TURKISH SURREALIST PAINTING. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(36), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10425123