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Student, Education, Student-Centered Education.


Traditional education is a model in which the teacher imparts knowledge and the student receives it passively. However, simply having knowledge is no longer enough to make students successful. Because today's world has become a place where accessing information is no longer so difficult. The Internet has brought information within everyone's reach, and this has led to students ceasing to be mere repositories of information. This is where the "Student Centered Education" (SCE) approach comes into play. This approach puts the student at the center of the educational process and aims to provide a customized educational experience based on students' interests, abilities and needs. This approach provides opportunities for students to acquire learning skills rather than simply providing information. It helps students develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. This study is a literature review and aims to integrate existing knowledge on student-centered education. Survey model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. In this study, document scanning method was used to collect data.  Data were collected by examining existing records and documents and document scanning was performed. Student-Centered Education brings a more flexible, personalized and student-centered approach to our education system. This approach enriches students' learning experiences, makes them more independent learners and builds strong foundations for their future success. By embracing Student-Centered Education, our education system can offer our students a better future.


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How to Cite

KILIÇ AYDIN, S., KILIÇ, Şemile, ÖZDEMİR, Z., & GEYİK, M. (2023). STUDENT-CENTERED EDUCATION: STUDENTS’ PATH TO SUCCESS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(34), 135–144.