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  • Hakkı Çiftçi Çukurova üniversitesi
  • Mehmet Salih OGLAKKAYA



Exports, Growth, Mexico


Mexico, one of the rising stars of the South American continent, has attracted attention in the global economy with the liberal reform movements it started after the 1970s, with great progress despite facing many difficulties. Mexico's transition from an introverted economic structure to a liberal economy and the increase in its export share is a remarkable example for testing the export-led growth model. The aim of this study is to test the export-led growth hypothesis of the Mexican economy. In our study, Real GDP and Real Exports data are used to test whether the export-led growth model is valid for the period between 1993 and 2022. As a result of the Granger causality and Johansen co-integration analysis, it was found that there is a positive relationship between exports and growth


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How to Cite

Çiftçi, H., & OGLAKKAYA, M. S. (2023). MEXICO AND THE EXPORT-LED ECONOMIC MODEL. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(34), 115–134.