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Eğitim, okul, yönetici, adalet, sosyal adaletAbstract
In the study, it was aimed to determine the social justice perceptions of educational administrators. In addition, it was aimed to determine whether the social justice perceptions of education administrators differ significantly according to some sociodemographic variables (gender, professional experience in teaching and professional experience in administration, education level, education level). The "screening model", which is one of the quantitative research approaches, was used in the study. The universe of the research consists of education administrators who are still active in the Ministry of National Education. The sample of the study consists of 352 education administrators determined by convenient sampling method. In the research, the “Socio-demographic Information Form” developed by the researcher was used to obtain sociodemographic information about the participants. “Social Justice Perception Scale” was used to determine the social justice perceptions of the participants. The data obtained from the research were analyzed with SPSS version 25.0. In the analysis phase, parametric statistical techniques such as one-way analysis of variance and t-test for independent samples were used to determine whether the perceptions of social justice of educational administrators differ according to socio-demographic variables. It does not show a significant difference in terms of professional experience in teaching, professional experience in management, education level and education level.
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