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Spor, Liderlik, Sporda Liderlik


It should be noted that sport is related to human nature and has always managed to show itself since the existence of mankind. The evolution of society, the unique characteristics of each region and the culture of different periods, together with the concept of sports, has led to the emergence of competition. At this point, it should be said that people are born with the urge to compete. The competitive attitude of sport helps people create a social identity as it matches their impulses.

Organizations, teams and organizations need to be managed, as in societies. A correct management is the biggest factor in achieving success. Today, rapidly developing and surrounded by changes, the leadership characteristics of sports managers are of great importance. The harmony and cooperation between the team members, the functioning of the rules and the team players and managers in line with the determined goal ensures success. Managers who have the right frequency with their players make it easier for the organization to reach its goal. Achieving these goals is directly and clearly related to leadership characteristics.

In the research, in which the relationship between leadership and sports is taken into account, it has been understood that leadership skills are important both individually and as a team, as a result of the review of the relevant literature. As a result of the research, it has been understood that an athlete's doing sports individually does not mean that he is far from his leadership qualities, and that they are pioneers in ensuring that they reach advanced levels in their sports by directing their teams and their environment.


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How to Cite

KERT, M., GÜLGEN, A., KÖSE, B., TOPRAK, A., ÇELİKBAŞ, K., & ÇELİKBAŞ, N. (2023). A THEORETICAL EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPORTS AND LEADERSHIP. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(27), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.51293/socrates27-223