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https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13854303Anahtar Kelimeler:
Accountability, School Principal, TeacherÖzet
In this study, it is aimed to determine the level of teachers' views on the accountability of school principals. In order to achieve the stated purpose, the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was preferred as a method. In the research, cross-sectional survey model was preferred because it gives the opportunity to measure the variable whose characteristics are given among these types at one time. The population of the study consists of teachers working at various educational levels. The sample of the research consists of 325 teachers who were determined by ‘Simple Random Sampling’ method among the teachers working at various educational levels. Two data collection tools were used to collect data in the study. The first one is ‘Personal Information Form’ to learn the personal information of the teachers and the second one is ‘Accountability Practices Scale’. Since the data showed normal distribution in the study, parametric tests were used for data analysis. In the study, it was determined that teachers‘ perceptions of school principals’ accountability practices were at the level of ‘Agree’ in the sub-dimensions of ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Provision’; at the level of ‘Somewhat Agree’ in the sub-dimensions of ‘Standards’, ‘Transparency’ and ‘Questioning’; and the general perceptions of teachers about accountability were at the level of ‘Somewhat Agree’. In addition, it was determined that the perceptions of the teachers who participated in the study showed a significant difference according to the variables of gender, educational level and working time with the principal in the school, while it was determined that there was no significant difference according to the variable of professional seniority.
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