Educational Administrator, Teacher, Alturistic Behaviour, Organisational Commitment, Motivation to TeachAbstract
It is believed that the leadership styles of educational administrators can have a significant impact on teachers’ job satisfaction, motivation, and organizational commitment. In this context, altruistic (selfless) leadership is an approach that supports the development of teachers in educational environments, characterized by empathy and helpfulness. Understanding how altruistic leadership affects teachers’ organizational commitment and teaching motivation is an important step toward enhancing the effectiveness of educational management. This study investigates the impact of educational administrators’ altruistic behaviors on teachers’ organizational commitment and teaching motivation levels. The sample of the study consists of 340 teachers, selected through simple random sampling, who work in Ankara province, Çankaya In the study, a quantitative research method, specifically the relational survey model, was used. Data were collected using the “Altruistic Leadership Scale,” the “Organizational Commitment Scale,” and the “Teaching Motivation Scale.” Data analysis was conducted using difference tests and regression analysis within the framework of relational analyses. The research findings indicate a significant positive relationship between altruistic leadership and the normative and continuance dimensions of organizational commitment. This suggests that when educational administrators exhibit altruistic behaviors, teachers’ sense of normative obligation to the organization and their intention to stay at the institution may increase. Furthermore, a significant positive relationship was found between altruistic leadership and the external dimension of teaching motivation. This finding implies that altruistic leaders may help motivate teachers through external rewards. However, no significant relationship was found between altruistic leadership and the intrinsic dimension of teaching motivation. The research findings are discussed in relation to the literature, and recommendations for researchers and educators are provided.
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