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Forest school, sustainable education, ecological literacy, nature-based education, environmental awareness, sustainable living, ecosystems, forest school practices in Turkey.


Forest schools have an important role in sustainable education and ecological literacy. This education model aims to increase students’ environmental awareness and develop their sustainable living skills by providing a learning environment intertwined with nature. Forest school practices in Turkey have been implemented in line with these objectives and have made significant contributions to increasing students’ ecological literacy by providing nature-based education.

Sustainable education aims to raise individuals’ awareness on sustainability issues with their environmental, economic and social dimensions and to shape their lifestyles in line with this awareness. Forest schools put sustainable education into practice, providing students with opportunities to directly experience and apply it. In this context, forest school practices in Turkey enable students to become aware of sustainability and act with this awareness.

Ecological literacy refers to individuals’ knowledge about ecosystems and the impacts of human activities on them, and the ability to apply this knowledge in their lives. Forest schools are an effective educational model for developing ecological literacy. Forest school practices in Turkey offer students the opportunity to get to know ecosystems closely and learn to live in harmony with nature. In this way, students can better understand the cycles of nature and the impacts of human activities on these cycles. Forest schools also help students develop sustainable living skills. Nature-based education strengthens students’ connection with nature and instills in them an awareness of environmental protection. By providing students with these skills, forest school practices in Turkey contribute to raising conscious individuals for a sustainable future.

In conclusion, forest schools have an important role in sustainable education and ecological literacy. Forest school practices in Turkey have a great potential for the dissemination and integration of this education model into the education system. Forest schools increase students’ environmental awareness, enabling them to develop sustainable living skills and increase their ecological literacy. In this context, it should be emphasized that forest schools should be further supported and disseminated.


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