The Phases That Beyoğlu Experıence Through Durıng The Westernızatıon Perıod


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ottoman, istanbul, westernization, modernization movements, beyoğlu/pera


This study examines the dimensions of change and transformation experienced by Beyoğlu during the Westernization process and examines its Westernization in general terms as a basic result. In this perspective, it is seen that Westernization, in other words, modernization movements, affected the lifestyle of the region. Basically, the modernization processes of the people living in the Pera region, as it was called at that time, and the shell change of the region in question during the period are explained. Thus, the Westernization stages of Beyoğlu, which is a small European model, are discussed within the scope of the study. It is known that the stages of change in history affect daily life routines as well as their effects on culture, art and architecture. In this context, the concrete historical traces of Beyoğlu through its embassies that have close relations with the West serve as a source for making sense of the past. This study makes inferences about the locations, silhouette and lifestyle of Beyoğlu in the 19th century with the location of Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire during the mentioned period, and its importance in the Westernization process. In this context, a general source and archive scan was conducted in this study using the literature review method. It is understood that the living spaces of Beyoğlu, Galata and Pera, which are a special region where Westernization is most clearly experienced, were formed by taking the developed cities as examples during the change process. Just as change does not happen suddenly, effects such as management, people, place, culture and technology as well as factual elements are examined and the search for change of the six-hundred-year-old dynasty, which remains behind modernization, has been seen.


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How to Cite

KOCADAĞ, Y., & TEZCAN, H. (2024). The Phases That Beyoğlu Experıence Through Durıng The Westernızatıon Perıod: THE PHASES THAT BEYOGLU EXPERIENCE THROUGH DURING THE WESTERNIZATION PERIOD. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(42), 1–12.