Has Odalıların Kıyafetleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

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  • Aykut TARAKÇIOĞLU Nişantaşı Üniversitesi
  • Hülya TEZCAN Nişantaşı Üniversitesi




Ottoman Empire, Republican Period, Palace Clothes, Enderun School, Private Chamberlain


 In this study, in which palace clothes are examined in terms of their development and transformation dimensions based on visual sources in historical processes, starting from the Ottoman period until the Republican Period, only the headwear called zer cone has survived until today; a comparative analysis is made and the differences in historical processes are examined. In this framework, the clothes of the private chamberlain, one of the Ottoman palace officials in the Enderun School, which is seen as the summit of the special guard unit within the empire and considered as one of the most authorised positions in the palace, were examined. In this context, the data were obtained by using the survey and document analysis method and document analysis was carried out by making direct use of archives and collections in the research. The study has reached a general conclusion by interpreting the data obtained as a result of a comparative analysis with archive examinations regarding the historical picture. In this framework, the study is important in terms of revealing the relationships between the processes and addressing the methodological elements and aims to contribute to the existing field. In this way, it has been concluded that the attire of the private chamberlain, which easily distinguished themselves from the other classes in the palace with their caftans and other clothes made using very valuable fabrics, also changed in historical processes depending on the empire and palace administration.

Author Biography

Hülya TEZCAN, Nişantaşı Üniversitesi

Prof. Dr. Hülya TEZCAN


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How to Cite

TARAKÇIOĞLU, A., & TEZCAN, H. (2024). OSMANLI’DAN CUMHURİYET’E GİYİM TARİHİ : Has Odalıların Kıyafetleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme . Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(39), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10879579