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Educational Institutions, Leadership, Effective Leadership, Teacher


Leadership is becoming an increasingly popular topic of research and discussion among education professionals. Leadership, in its meaning, is now recognized as one of the key elements of a high-quality organization. Therefore, leadership has become a prominent form of behavior in every period of human life. It is really important to be aware of the theories and paradigms that guide actions that can be considered within the scope of leadership in early childhood education. Consciousness is the key to self-control and is an important factor in both education and leadership. Awareness of leadership theories and paradigms allows a researcher or leader to act more precisely within his or her domain and justify his or her choices. Comparative perspectives on leadership expand our understanding across cultural contexts. In the globalizing world, the importance of education is increasing and individuals are involved in the education process from their early ages. In parallel with changing and developing living conditions, teaching processes also have to renew themselves. It is important for the success of the education process that teachers and school administrators contribute to this renewal with their knowledge and skills within the education systems and manage the process effectively. In addition, administrators working in pre-school education institutions need to assume an education-focused and effective leadership role. In this study, the role of effective leadership in the preschool education process was examined by conducting a literature research on the preschool education process and effective leadership.


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How to Cite

BALA, A., & MERT, M. T. (2024). EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(38), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10646355