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Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Liseleri, Öğretmen Uzaktan EğitimAbstract
The Covid-19 epidemic, which has a very strong impact in the world and in our country, has accelerated the implementation of a number of practices. In March 2020, schools in our country were closed due to the epidemic and education was suspended for a long time. This has brought distance education to the agenda and investments have been made in this regard. As of September 2020, distance education practices have started to be implemented at all education levels and have brought about discussions on this issue. In this study, it is aimed to examine how distance education, which has increased in importance after the recent epidemic, is implemented in Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools, according to teachers' opinions. This study was prepared considering that Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students differ from the students studying in primary schools, secondary schools and academic high schools. The positive or negative effects of the fact that most of the curriculum in these schools is based on practice have been investigated. During the research process, the phenomenological pattern was preferred as a model in qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consists of 14 volunteer workshop and laboratory teachers from different branches, determined by easily accessible sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods. In the research, a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers after expert opinion and pilot application was used as a data collection tool. The interview data collected through this form was analyzed through content analysis. In the research, it was determined that teachers working in vocational and technical anatolian high schools had negative perspectives on distance education. The biggest reason for this is that the majority of the lessons required practice. In addition, it was determined during the research process that the socio-economic status of the students studying in these schools negatively affects participation in distance education and eliminates equality of opportunity, and this situation is the biggest obstacle to the efficiency of distance education.
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