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Eğitim, İngilizce, Başarı, Cinsiyet, Sosyo-Ekonomik Durum


In this research, high school students' English course achievements were evaluated in line with teachers' opinions. The purpose of this research is to examine the English course success of high school students according to gender, parents' education level, profession and monthly income, and place of residence. The study group of this qualitative study consists of 35 English teachers working in high schools. When success was examined by gender, girls stood out more. If girls are more interested in the language, their success increases compared to boys. Considering the students' settlements as villages and centres, students living in the center were seen as advantageous in terms of opportunities and were at a higher level than others in terms of English language proficiency. When examined according to the income levels of families, a difference was seen in student achievements. Research results show that success increases as income increases. Financial situation was found necessary for purchasing English resources, courses and other activities. The educational status of the family and the student's success in English lessons increase in parallel. As the level of education increases, interest, concern and assistance to the child increases; Especially parents who speak English play an increasing role in student success. However, the parents' occupational group did not have an effect on English course success. The student's own ability and interest in the course are more decisive here.


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN, D., ŞAHİN, M. S., YILDIZ, S., KAYA, Z., NARICI, H., & ÇAKIR, E. (2023). EXAMINING THE ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ACCORDING TO VARIOUS VARIABLES. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(35), 94–112. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1012709

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