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Hapishanenin Doğuşu, Michel Foucault, ceza, hukuk, teknoloji, ToplumAbstract
Concepts and phenomena that have changed over the centuries when viewed from their social, legal and technological dimensions; requires chronological analysis. Societies and, in the last analysis, the global crime and punishment systems are important in this sense. People, institutions and events referenced in crime and punishment practices show the humanization efforts, in Foucault's words, and practices that evolve into different methods and techniques are seen in modern times.
The aim of the study is to explain the periodical transformations that affect people and are under the influence of people, mainly on social, legal and technology items, through the penal system. In the study, while the work of French sociologist Michel Foucault named The Birth of Prison is taken as a source, at the same time, Foucault's understanding of domination and phenomenological findings, which have changed over the centuries, are tried to be analyzed in terms of the concept of biopower. In the study, biopower, phenomenology and surveillance systems are detailed under the headings; In the last part, the author's work called The Birth of the Prison is analyzed in sections. The main starting point of the study, in which the literature review method was used, focused on Michel Foucault's views on the subject.
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