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Eğitim, yönetici, eğitim yöneticisi, evrensellik, farklılıkAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the universality-difference orientations of education administrators. In addition, the aim of the research is to determine whether the universality-difference orientations of education administrators differ significantly according to the variables of gender, professional experience in teaching, professional experience in administration, education level, school level of the educational institution where they work. The "screening model", which is one of the quantitative research approaches, was used in the research. The universe of the research consists of education administrators who are still active in the Ministry of National Education. The sample of the study consists of 352 education administrators who were determined by the convenient sampling method. “Personal Information Form” and “Universality-Diversity Orientation Scale” were used as data collection tools in the research. The data of the study were analyzed with samples t-test and anova, independent of parametric tests. In the study, it was determined that there was a significant difference in the universality-difference orientation of education administrators in terms of gender in the sub-dimension of "Feeling Comfortable with Differences", professional experience in teaching and professional experience in administration, and in terms of gender in the "Interaction with Differences" sub-dimension. In the "Valuing Relativity" sub-dimension, it was determined that the universality-difference orientations of education administrators did not differ significantly.
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