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Okul, Okul Yöneticisi, Okul Yönetici ŞartlarıAbstract
In this research, the general conditions to be sought in those who will be appointed as administrators to educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education; It is aimed to make an evaluation in terms of regulations dated 2017, 2018 and 2021. For this purpose, this research is a qualitative research in the phenomenology pattern. The study group of the research consists of teachers, assistant principals and principals working in official primary, secondary and high schools in the 2021-2022 academic year. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher. The first part of the form consists of questions to determine the gender, job titles, professional seniority and school level of the participants. In the second part, there are open-ended questions about the main research topic. In the analysis of the data obtained from the form consisting of two parts, descriptive analysis and content analysis methods were used. In the research, it has been observed that there are positive and negative opinions about the general conditions to be sought in those who will be appointed as administrators to the educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. Replacing being a graduate of higher education with higher education was determined as a positive opinion. It has been determined as a positive opinion that the application of the exam for those who will be appointed for the first time will prevent favouritism and provide merit. It has been determined that the education management certificate is a positive opinion on gaining basic knowledge and increasing the knowledge of managers. It was stated that as an alternative to the education management certificate, graduate and doctoral education and receiving undergraduate education from the department of education administration and supervision were stated. As a negative opinion, the opinion that the compulsory service condition constitutes an obstacle in the career steps and that this should be postponed was determined as a negative opinion. The opinion that the examination alone is not sufficient in the appointment of a manager by conducting an examination was determined as a negative opinion. In the education management certificate, the opinion that the Ministry of National Education cannot provide equal conditions for everyone or that it can turn into a paid education is determined as a negative opinion. Based on these results, school administrators should be selected from among those who do self-improving studies together with the exam, school administrators and candidates should be tested for psychological suitability and the result should be taken into account, the age and professional seniority of school administrators should be increased, school administration should be made a profession that requires expertise, Master's and doctorate education in the field of education management and supervision should be required for school administration, the education management certificate should be given in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and YÖK, a comprehensive training should be given in the education management certificate and a serious exam should be made at the end and the exam result should be taken into account, the merits of the education management certificate Suggestions should be made that the training and appointment processes in other countries should be examined and adapted, and pre-service and in-service training should be organized.
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