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  • Salih Kanal Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Yasemin Kanal



Multiple Intelligences, Effective Learning Principles, Cognitive Styles


In this study, effective and effective learning methods and multiple intelligence theory are examined. In addition, the importance of applying the theory of multiple intelligences in schools is tried to be clarified. Today, it is seen that the types of learning methods have undergone various changes, renewed, even digitalized. Traditional learning methods are still used in our country. Methods that lead to rote learning are seen as methods that do not internalize knowledge. Students face the problem of using what they have learned in their daily lives and business areas. What has been learned has to be replaced by new ones in a short time. The individual must be a person who learns and renews himself. People are brought up in a system that memorizes the place to learn the subjects. Memorized information is quickly forgotten. All these reasons are among the reasons that create a problem. In this context, new education and training methods are needed. To put it briefly, there is a need for new methods that teach how to learn. In accordance with this point of view, inspired by H. Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, aspects of applying intelligence and effective learning, effective thinking skills and their relationship are examined, and it is suggested that the evaluation of multiple intelligences and student performance can be improved through experience.



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How to Cite

Kanal, S., & Kanal, Y. (2023). ETKİN ÖĞRENME VE ÇOKLU ZEKÂ KURAMI ÜZERİNE BİR ÇALIŞMA. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(26), 1–10.