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Okul Öncesi Eğitim, Eğitim Programı, Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programları, Okul Öncesi Eğitim Ortamı, Program Değerlendirme


Preschool education forms the basis of human life. The experiences in this period play an important role in the future lives of individuals. A good education is needed to pass this period in a healthy way. The education given in this period supports the physical, mental, emotional and social development of children; It is an educational process that prepares them for primary education. This education process proceeds according to the pre-school education program. The pre-school education program should be applicable. Because the quality of the education given in pre-school education institutions is directly related to the quality of the applied program. In this research, by determining the extent to which the pre-school education program published in 2012 can be applied in different places; It will contribute to the determination of the opinions of teachers and administrators in the process of developing proposals for the development of the infrastructure of pre-school education institutions and the implementation of the program. This study is a qualitative and descriptive research. In this study, qualitative research method was used; Interview and document review were used as qualitative data collection methods. In the research, interviews were made with preschool teachers about the applicability of the program. At the same time, examinations were made in 14 kindergartens, and the adequacy of the materials in the learning centers in the program was observed and recorded. Purposive sampling method was used as a sample in the study. In the study, it was concluded that the classrooms were not sufficient for the formation of learning centers. It was concluded that the materials in the learning centers were largely absent. It has been revealed that preschool institutions are not suitable for children with special needs. Activities of the School Garden have been found to be inadequate in practice. In the question about the Adequacy of Gaining the Objectives and Acquisitions in the Pre-School Education Program to Children, it was concluded that most of the teachers brought the goals and achievements. It has been concluded that the materials in the learning center are not sufficient.


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How to Cite

KUŞKAYA, İbrahim, AKGÜN, A., ÖZTÜRK, M., ÇELİK, A., ASLAN, E., & SARP, A. (2023). EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS’ OPINIONS ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(25), 77–94. https://doi.org/10.51293/socrates25-216

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