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Devlet, Okul, Finansman, Yönetim SorunlarıAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to reveal the administrative problems encountered in the financing of public schools according to the opinions of school principals. Within the scope of the stated purpose, qualitative research approach was adopted as a method in the research. The study group of the research consists of 15 school principals who are actively working in the 2022-2023 academic year. Purposive sampling method was used in the research. It was determined as a criterion that the school principals participating in the research should have been a school administrator for at least 4 years. In the study, a semi-structured interview form was prepared in order to determine the opinions of school principals about the problems they experience in school finance. There are 4 questions in the semi-structured interview form. The data obtained in the research were analyzed with the content analysis method. As a result of the research, school principals talked to students about "Low Motivation", "Communication Problems", "Continuation Problem", "Passiveness" and "Attitude Towards School"; with parents on "Low Participation in School Activities", "Misunderstanding that MoNE Covers All of the Funding", "Communication and Cooperation Problem", "Reluctance to Contribute" and "Student Pressure"; with teachers on "Problems in Teacher-Student Communication", "Problems in Teacher-Parent Communication", "Problems in Teacher-School Management Communication" and "Insufficient Understanding of Financial Issues"; It has been determined that they have encountered problems with a senior management and inspectors on the subjects of “Financial Aid Problem”, “Bill Payments”, “Excess Demand Requiring Financing”, “Lack of Support” and “Distribution of Income”. In addition, in the research, it was determined that the administrative problems that school principals experienced in terms of school finance were respectively "Tools and Equipment Maintenance", "Miscellaneous Repairs", "Stationery Supply", "Cleaning Products", "Resource Procurement for Social Activities".
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