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Öğretmen, Liderlik, Öğretmen Liderliği


In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the perceptions of teachers regarding teacher leadership according to various variables. Scanning model was preferred as a method in the research. The universe of the research consists of teachers working in public schools and actively taking classes. The sample of the study consists of 297 teachers who were determined by the "Easy Sampling" method and participated voluntarily among the teachers in the universe. In the study, personal information form and teacher leadership scale were used to determine teachers' perceptions about teacher leadership. The data collected in the research were analyzed with the SPSS 25th package program. While analyzing the data, arithmetic mean and standard deviation value calculations were made from descriptive statistical methods. In addition, independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used in the study. The question “What is the teachers' perception of teacher leadership?” In line with the findings obtained for the sub-problem, it was determined that teachers' perceptions of teacher leadership were at the level of "Frequently". These results were accepted as teachers exhibiting teacher leadership behaviors above the average. In addition, in the study, it was determined that the views of teachers on teacher leadership differed significantly according to factors such as gender, educational status and professional seniority. This result was evaluated as the factors expressed affect the perception of teacher leadership.


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How to Cite

GÜNEŞ, İBRAHİM, KAYA, Z., ÖZBEY, M., ÖZBEY, Y., UYAR, H., & TURAÇ, H. A. (2022). EVALUATION OF TEACHER PERCEPTIONS REGARDING TEACHER LEADERSHIP ACCORDING TO VARIOUS VARIABLES. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 8(24), 106–119. https://doi.org/10.51293/socrates24-198