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Project Based Learning, Education Stakeholders, Literature Review


Project-Based Learning is a student-centered, constructivist learning approach that enables students to tackle complex and authentic problems while learning. This method serves as an effective pedagogical tool for fostering students' creative thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. PBL is a process in which students take an active role, while teachers guide and facilitate the learning experience. Through planning, implementing, and evaluating projects, students gain hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. The key features of PBL include content-focused learning, a collaborative structure, problem-solving within real-world contexts, and the integration of authentic skills. These features not only make it easier for students to apply theoretical knowledge in practice but also encourage critical thinking and deep learning. Additionally, PBL provides students with greater autonomy, allowing them to produce original solutions and enhance their creative abilities. The advantages of PBL include the development of 21st-century skills, increased student motivation, and the promotion of knowledge retention. Through projects, students have the opportunity to improve their skills in accessing information, solving problems, and conducting research. However, PBL also has certain disadvantages. For instance, the length of the process may lead to a loss of motivation for some students, and it can be challenging for teachers to guide all groups equally. Moreover, the integration of technology and the procurement of resources can be costly. In conclusion, Project-Based Learning is an effective approach that moves away from rote learning methods, enabling students to actively participate in their learning journey. While it provides students with opportunities to solve real-world problems and develop their knowledge and skills, careful management of its implementation challenges is essential for its success.


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