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Örgütsel Bağlılık, Örgütsel Dışlanma, Örgüt, DışlanmaAbstract
In order for organizations to implement their future strategies and maintain their stability, their organizational components and foundations must be in order and in harmony. Therefore, in order for organizations to survive, it is important to keep the joint work between the employee and the organization at a high level. In organizations, people feel committed to their organization as a social being. Throughout their life, they try to join various groups and communities and to have themselves accepted by those groups and communities. The acceptance of a person by the groups within the business affects their behavior both in their work life and in their private life. Conceptually, exclusion is used synonymously with lack of sensitivity. Organizational exclusion occurs in different forms. Generally, the situation that creates organizational exclusion is the severing of one's ties with the group to which one is subject or the rejection of one's request for subordination to the group. Organizational commitment is a condition that psychologically characterizes the employee's relationship with the organization. Organizational commitment continues to be one of the most interesting topics for managers and researchers since 1960. The person working for the organization is also affected by a good or bad situation that affects the organization. Employees who are excluded from the organization experience a decrease in their organizational commitment as they become constantly complaining because they are not taken into consideration by their colleagues or upper management. In this study, the relationship between ostracism and organizational commitment in organizations is examined within the conceptual framework. Literature research is being conducted to understand the relationship between ostracism and organizational commitment in organizations.
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