A Bibliometric Analysis of National Literature on Memory Space

Hafıza mekânları, Bibliyometrik analiz, Bellek mekânları, Ulusal alanyazınAbstract
This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of scientific studies on memory spaces in Turkey. The research seeks to describe the current state of national literature on memory spaces and to evaluate the general trends in this field. A mixed-methods design was employed, combining both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. Quantitative data were analyzed using bibliometric analysis, while qualitative data were examined through content analysis. A total of 140 scientific works, sourced from the Turkish National Thesis Center, Google Scholar, and Academia, were evaluated. The findings indicate that studies on memory spaces have increased notably after 2010, with the majority being conducted in article format and using qualitative methods. These studies are primarily concentrated in disciplines such as architecture, sociology, and literature, with the most frequently used keywords being "memory," "social," and "identity." The results suggest that research on memory spaces is interdisciplinary and can help identify knowledge gaps for future studies in this area
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