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Göç, kır ve kent kavramları, kırdan kente göç, nedenleri ve sonuçları


In this study, firstly, the concepts of rural, urban and migration are examined and the related concepts and their equivalents are investigated. Migration is a displacement movement that has been going on since the first humans until today. Migration is one of the most important global problems of today.  By examining the change in rural and urban population over the years, migration from rural to urban areas, the causes of migration and the results of migration in Turkey are analyzed. The push factors that cause rural-urban migration and the attractive factors that make urban migration attractive are emphasized. In addition, the changes and consequences of these migration movements in rural and urban areas are discussed. The changes and consequences of this phenomenon in our country are analyzed. It was suggested in the study that medium and long term city plans should be prepared. Demographic and economic investments should be spread throughout the country, and it was also suggested that the geographical and economic characteristics of the region should be taken into account when making these investments. In addition to these suggestions, it was suggested in the study that cities should not grow in a certain area and that the population density should not be concentrated in these areas, and that interconnected suburbs close to the city center should be created.


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How to Cite

TANER, F. L., ONGUR, A., TAĞAR, V. Y., KOZAN, C., & TANER, M. (2024). RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION IN TURKEY, EVALUATIONS ON ITS CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(45), 1–8.