Distribution of Rural Population According to the Elevantion Steps on Tokat District


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  • Yunus ERGÜN Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute
  • Hüseyin MERTOL
  • Emre DUMAN




The aim of this study is to determine the distribution of the rural population according to the elevation steps of Almus district of Tokat province and to reveal the effect of elevation on the distribution of the population. For this purpose, statistical data (population data) and the data obtained in the field were evaluated by comparing. The land of Almus district is divided into elevation steps and all settlements in the district are placed on elevation steps. The obtained maps and the population of the obtained villages at each level were made into tables and comparison was made. In this sense, the population data of the research area for the year Jul 2022 have been provided on the website of the Turkish Statistical Institute. The data obtained were compiled in Microsoft Excel environment and digitized on topographic maps with ArcGIS 10.5 program Jul. Settlements were classified at intervals of 200 meters using the Numerical Height December Model. The obtained maps are 700-900 m., 900-1100 m., 1100-1300 m., 1300 m. and it is limited to above. According to the data obtained as a result of the research, it has been seen that settlements are concentrated in the December of 900-1100 meters. Accordingly, it was found that the population density of rural settlement is also among these value ranges. Decembers


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How to Cite

ERGÜN, Y., MERTOL, H., & DUMAN, E. (2024). Distribution of Rural Population According to the Elevantion Steps on Tokat District: DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL POPULATION ACCORDING TO THE ELEVANTION STEPS ON TOKAT DISTRICT. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(44), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13327216