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Concepts of Speed and Slow, Slow City, SeferhisarAbstract
With the Industrial Revolution, the change affecting many fields has also differentiated the production process. As seen before industrialization, production has become not only self-sufficient but also consuming. Thus, the speed of production, the increase in the amount of products to be produced and the presentation of these products to the consumption area were put into practice. This increase affects more raw materials, machine power, goods produced, and transportation. In this way, large companies and factories were rapidly formed to employ more consumers and more people. As a result, the importance of speed is also evident in the replacement of manpower by machines. With the impact of the Industrial Revolution, the production process has changed and thus the speed of production has also changed. Therefore, depending on this production, work, transportation and consumption have also accelerated. With this acceleration process, modernization and globalization have entered into a mutual interaction. Today, with the development of technology, it is seen that the element of speed has gained an important position in our lives. When the concept of speed is defined in general terms, it is considered as the speed of realization of a situation, the time it takes for something to occur and change. The existence of time gained when an action is performed reveals the social importance of speed. Therefore, to some extent, speed is considered as a concept related to time. The speed of a certain movement expresses its temporal brevity. The main context here is the evaluation of time as the gain of speed. Within the framework of these thematic elements, the example of Seferhisar will be analyzed uniquely in this study.
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