Use Of The Roy Adaptation Model In The Nursing Care Of Adolescent Treated For Substance Addiction In The Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

Use Of The Roy Adaptation Model

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Keywords: Adolescent, Covid-19 Pandemic, Nursing Care, Roy Adaptation Model, Substance Addiction.



Objective: In this case report, it is aimed to use the Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) in the care of an adolescent who was admitted to an alcohol and substance addiction center in the Mediterranean region for treatment during the Covid 19 pandemic to help the adolescent adapt to the treatment with pandemic restrictions within the hospital. Materials and Methods: The data were collected on the physiological adaptation, self-concept adaptation style, role and functional adaptation style and interdependence adaptation style in Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) by using observation, physical examination and communication techniques, and nursing practices were carried out. Results: Adolescent’s compliance with treatment and social environment was ensured by giving care in line with RAM. Conclusion: In this case report, it was seen that the use of the Roy Adaptation Model was appropriate, considering that the most common problem among adolescents hospitalized for addiction treatment during the pandemic is compliance with treatment and social environment. It was observed that, with the hospital restrictions of the pandemic period, the care model contributed to the adolescent's adaptation to treatment and social environment.


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How to Cite

GÜNEŞ, E. O. (2024). Use Of The Roy Adaptation Model In The Nursing Care Of Adolescent Treated For Substance Addiction In The Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions: Use Of The Roy Adaptation Model. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(43), 80–92.