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Ebeveyn, Tutum, Ebeveyn Tutumları


The aim of the research was to examine parental attitudes conceptually. For this purpose, literature related to the relevant subject was scanned. Based on the information in the literature, the research includes a conceptual view of parental attitudes, classification of parental attitudes, various parental attitudes, techniques used by parents to solve problems related to their children, and various research results regarding parental attitudes.

The attitudes of their parents play an important role in helping children develop a positive personality and become a happy part of society. The negative attitudes shown by parents to their children sometimes lead to behaviors that are difficult to compensate for. These negative personality traits developed by children naturally continue when they become adults. As a result, the number of individuals who are not at peace with themselves, have a negative mood, cannot adapt to the society they live in, and are unsuccessful in their business and private lives is increasing day by day. The greatest responsibility to prevent such an outcome from occurring falls on parents. Because parenting is not just about meeting the child's basic needs such as nutrition and clothing. Mothers and fathers should also support their children emotionally; They should try to be a suitable role model for their children by using their own experiences and experience.

In order for their children to have positive personality traits, parents should first know the characteristics of their children's developmental periods and empathize with their children. Instead of establishing a strict authority over their children and giving punishments and judging them, they should display a democratic attitude towards their children, and instead of judging, they should get to the root of the problems and try to solve them together with their children.


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How to Cite

KIROĞLAN, N., BEKMEZ, E., KARA , Y., ÇAN, S., DEMİR, İbrahim, & UZUNGELİŞ BIÇAKCI , A. (2024). PARENTAL ATTITUDES FROM A CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVE. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(37), 13–22.