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Intertextuality, a concept deeply embedded in text linguistics, plays an important role in shaping and enriching communication. This article examines the multifaceted dimensions of intertextuality in depth, discussing its theoretical foundations, its manifestations in various forms of discourse, and its consequences for text linguistics. Additionally, by exploring the interconnectedness of texts and the complex reference network they create, this study reveals the profound impact of intertextuality on meaning construction, interpretation, and the general dynamics of language. Text linguistics as a field of study has undergone significant evolution over the years. Among the numerous factors contributing to this evolution, intertextuality stands out as an important element that shapes the way we understand and analyze texts. The fact that every information produced especially in the modern period we live in has some conscious or unconscious relationships with its predecessors reveals the importance of understanding intertextuality. This article aims to explain the importance of intertextuality in text linguistics, examine its theoretical foundations, explore its manifestations in various types of discourse, and reveal its consequences for our understanding of language and additionally to contribute to other studies related to the subject, as well.


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How to Cite

Alınca, H. (2024). METİNLERARASILIK: TANIM, KÖKEN ve KAVRAMIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİ. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(37), 92–102.