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  • Nazan YEŞİLKAYA şırnak üniversitesi




Throughout human history, Aristotle's ideas on justice have played an important role in shaping ethical and legal policies. This is because Aristotle's theories transcend time and can still serve as a guide in our globalised world, especially in cross-cultural contexts.In this context, it is noteworthy to explore how Aristotle's conception of justice remains relevant today and the impact of his principles on contemporary ethical and political debates. In this study, it will be argued that Aristotle's concept of justice has inspired various contemporary ethical theories and that they are informed by Aristotle's principles of justice. Thus, it will be argued that Aristotle's principles of just behaviour continue to be relevant in modern ethical and legal debates. Furthermore, it will be analysed that Aristotle's principles of just behaviour offer a historical origin and a universal perspective to contemporary theories of morality and justice.

In this analysis, Aristotle's argument for justice as a moral virtue will be used to examine different conceptions of justice, how justice is established, and the standards of what is considered just and unjust. The aim of the article is to emphasise that Aristotle's philosophy continues to influence our understanding of justice and morality, and that it converges with contemporary perspectives in philosophy and ethics. Indeed, the integration of Aristotle's views with modern theories allows for the development of a more sophisticated conception of justice, encouraging a symbiotic relationship for both Antiquity and Modernity. Ultimately, it will be concluded that despite adaptations to meet the needs of contemporary society, Aristotle's ideas remain fundamental to current thinking on justice and morality, bequeathing to us the enduring value of ethical and virtuous behaviour in all aspects of human life.

Keywords: History of Philosophy, Modern Thought, Aristotle, Ethics, Justice.


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How to Cite

YEŞİLKAYA, N. (2023). JUSTICE FROM ANCIENT AND MODERN PERSPECTIVES: ARISTOTLE AND MODERN ETHICAL PERCEPTIONS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(34), 103–114. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8430310