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Etik Eğitimi, Araştırma, İzin Süreçleri


Today, ethical violations are frequently encountered. When looking at the causes, they vary. In this study, within the framework of ethical values; the ethical issues before starting work are discussed. These are permission form, permits received from the ethics committee, permits received from official institutions and persons, intellectual property rights. Each is important for the work. Because they determine whether the study will be an ethical violation or not. When these permits are not taken, ethical violations occur. Especially, in the context of personal rights; the use of the information without the permission of the persons is against the personal rights. In other words, the value of the publication is not consistent with ethics and morals. In terms of publication, after some time, in some cases, due to lack of ethics, there may be cases of unpublication. When all this is considered, the pre-research ethical issues also characterize the researcher's position in the field and his presence in science. That's why; before leaving or before starting the survey, all permitting processes must be completed carefully. In this context, in order to prevent the violation of the permitting processes, the importance of ethical issues before research are principally emphasized.


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How to Cite

FINDIK, S., YILMAZ, R., KAPLAN, B., BİLGİSİÇOK, R., ÇINAR, A., & ÖZDEMİR, M. (2024). ETHICAL ISSUES BEFORE BEGINNING RESEARCH. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(37), 226–234.