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  • Füsun Çövenoğlu Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi




Ceramics, Repair, Repairman, Conservation, Restoration


The occupational group that repairs ceramic products, which are shaped from clay and strengthened with fire, is known as ceramic repairing in history. Ceramic products, which have been produced for thousands of years for different areas of use in line with the needs of human beings, face undesirable situations such as corrosion, abrasion, cracking and breakage caused by various factors. The repair of ceramic objects is as old as the tradition of ceramic production itself. It is known that various repair practices have been tried for thousands of years in order to reuse these valuable items, the production of which requires a long and laborious process, after they have been broken. Archaeological finds are the most important source of data on when the repair of damage to ceramic products began.The practice of repairing ceramic vessels, as well as other household items, was widely practiced from antiquity to the modern era. In this study; the types of ceramic vessel repair practices in the historical process are briefly mentioned, and information about who repaired the ceramics can be obtained from written literature or from different art objects that convey information. In line with the data obtained from the literature research on ceramic repair and ceramic repairing, a research was conducted on the transformation from traditional methods to a professional group requiring technology and expertise, its development and its connection with today's conservation ideology. This research aims to examine the historical development of ceramic repairing and to transfer its evolution from a craft branch to the Conservator-Restorator profession, which has received scientific training within the framework of conservation awareness and international rules.


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How to Cite

Çövenoğlu, F. (2023). CERAMIC REPAIR. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(32), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8268088