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Okul, yönetici, okul yöneticisi, liderlik, dağıtımcı liderlikAbstract
In the study, it was aimed to analyze the status of graduate theses on the distributed leadership characteristics of school administrators according to various variables. In addition, it was also aimed to reveal the similarities and differences of the tendencies in the graduate theses on the distributed leadership characteristics of school administrators. In the research, document analysis was preferred as a model. The sample of the research consists of 19 postgraduate theses determined by the criterion sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods. The data collected within the scope of the research were analyzed through content analysis.
In the study, it was determined that the majority of postgraduate studies on the topic of distributed leadership characteristics of school administrators were master's thesis, while the most publications were made in 2019, and it was determined that quantitative research methods and relational scanning design were preferred in almost all of the studies. In addition, in the study, it was determined that simple random and stratified sampling type as sample type and sample size between 300-500 were found to be higher. In addition, it was determined that interview forms were used in very few studies in which scales were used extensively as a data collection tool. In addition, it was determined that the opinions of the teachers were intensively received as a data source.
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