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Öğretmen, motivasyon, kuramsal çerçeve


In this study, it was aimed to examine teacher motivation in a theoretical framework. In this context, it is aimed to examine teacher motivation together with the concept of motivation in studies that deal with motivation. The research is limited to the information available in scientific studies that deal with the concept of motivation in the context of the teacher. In the literature examined in the study, it was determined that teacher motivation was effective especially on students. While some students in educational institutions are willing to find a solution to a lesson, topic or problem they encounter, they hesitate to enter the classroom and prefer to escape rather than attend the lesson. It can be said that some students like it. The literature shows that the main factor affecting the formation of these differences among students is motivation. It has been determined that this motivation, that is, motivation, is related to teacher motivation. In the literature, motivation is expressed as the process that leads the individual to develop, grow and use all his potentials in the most effective way. When teacher motivation is evaluated in this context, it can be said that the teacher's self-development and the reflection of his current competencies in the learning environment is a motivation-related process. From the documents examined within the scope of the research, it was determined that teacher motivation was related to being appreciated. It can be said that being appreciated is important for the sustainability of success. Appreciation of the teacher for his activities can also be achieved by verbally honoring statements, without the need for financial resources. In the study, teacher motivation was examined in a theoretical framework. In the future researches, considering the theoretical framework and related researches, teacher motivation can be determined and the influencing factors can be determined in depth. In the research, it has been suggested that those concerned should minimize the negative factors affecting teacher motivation and prioritize positive factors, and make changes in the reward system that will increase teachers' motivation.


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How to Cite

GÖKER, R., KAYA, S. Y., ACAR, N., KURŞUN, M., BEKE, B., & UYGUN, T. (2023). A THEORETICAL EXAMINATION OF TEACHER MOTIVATION. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(31), 132–140. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8151160