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Dil, Dil Öğretimi, Yaklaşım, Dil Öğretimi YaklaşımlarıAbstract
The customs and traditions of societies differ according to their lifestyles, ways of thinking and cultural characteristics. This differentiation emerges in life and thought patterns rather than a differentiation in general and basic human thought. For this reason, language is one of the most important communication tools that brings societies closer together and deepens the process of understanding between them. The main purpose of mother tongue teaching in Turkey and Europe is to raise individuals who understand what they read and listen to and who can express their thoughts in written and oral form. Course syllabuses have been developed in order to achieve these goals. Although these programs consist of parallel elements in terms of general objectives, in teaching European languages and Turkish as a mother tongue; There are differences in terms of approach, method and application. The most important elements that differentiate mother tongue teaching are; The classroom environment, the materials used in the course and the teaching activities contained in these materials. When mother tongue education in the world is examined in terms of classroom environment, teachers and materials used in the course, it is understood that it exhibits a very different teaching structure and approach from Turkey. Today, when we examine the curriculum and materials of developed countries that attach importance to the subject of mother tongue education, we see that all contemporary methods and techniques are used. Although the first thing that catches the eye is the cover, paper, picture and printing quality of the books, the content is also of a quality that will attract the student's attention and direct him to read and research. As a result, language teaching is discussed as an important issue both in our country and in many parts of the world. The prominent view is that language learning is a fundamental right.
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