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  • Defne Akman MEB



Taşımalı Eğitim, Taşımalı İlköğretimin Sorunları.


The aim of this research is to try to determine the situation, problems and solution proposals of primary schools that provide transportation education in line with the opinions of school administrators, teachers, bus drivers carrying students to these schools and parents who send their children to these schools.

According to the findings obtained;

  1. The administrators should not take their opinions on the fact that schools are a transportation hub, students who come with busses have problems with other students, there is no guidance counselor in their schools, they worry about the transportation of students, students do not come to classes without preparation, they do not have a staff that helps in providing services arising from bussed education, and the new education system they see the initiation of transported education as the main problems,
  2. The main problems of the teachers are that the majority of the students coming by bus are more unsuccessful than the students coming from the settlement where the school is located, the lack of motivation of the students who move, the grouping of the students, the problems with the students coming by bus, and the fact that they keep watch at school more with the changes made in the curriculum. ,
  3. The bus drivers see it as the main problem that there are people who want to get on the bus other than students,
  4. It has been determined that the main problems of the students' parents are that they can't attend the school parents' meetings at the transportation center about the education status of their children, that they worry about the transportation of their children, and that their children stay at school longer due to the changes in the course hours with the new education system.


Keywords: Bussed Education, Problems of Bussed Primary Education.



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How to Cite

Akman, D. (2023). STATUS, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OF CARRIED PRIMARY EDUCATION. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(31), 24–38.