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Burnout, syndrome, burnout syndromeAbstract
This study was conducted in order to give the theoretical basis of what burnout syndrome is, its symptoms, factors causing burnout and solution suggestions for getting rid of burnout syndrome. In line with this purpose, burnout syndrome, situations that cause burnout, symptoms of burnout, causes and solution suggestions were included in the research process. In the study, it was determined that various reasons related to burnout syndrome lead to burnout syndrome in individuals. As a result of the theoretical analyses, it was understood that one of the most important symptoms of burnout syndrome is psychosomatic disorders and decrease in energy level. It is necessary to investigate the causes of burnout syndrome, which occurs due to both individual and organisational factors, and to take necessary measures to eliminate the factors causing burnout syndrome completely if possible and to minimise them if the possibilities are limited. Otherwise, individuals cannot be expected to perform adequately, especially in business life. In order for individuals to get rid of burnout syndrome, it is necessary to support their colleagues in their work environment. It can be said that burnout is not a situation that individuals can overcome alone. Considering that cooperation is important for this, it can be suggested that people who experience burnout in the work environment should be supported.
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