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Çalışan, mobbing, performans


This study aims to reveal the concept of mobbing in public institutions with the support of literature. For this purpose, the concept of mobbing, the causes of mobbing and the methods of combating mobbing are included in the research. There is no basis for mobbing in the workplace. When we look at the background of mobbing, it is a deep concept without a single reason. In an organisation, the reason for which mobbing is applied depends on many factors. Mobbing can be a practice that can be caused by many causal factors, as well as mobbing applied without any reason. Due to this situation, the causes of mobbing can be personal, organisational and social. The leading role of mobbing incidents is the victim. For this reason, it is up to the victim to get rid of mobbing incidents. If people who are subjected to mobbing in the organisation wait or remain silent because they do not know what they can do in the process, mobbing can increase the speed of mobbing even more. For this reason, the victim should act in a planned manner by grasping and thinking about the situation as soon as possible. Only in this way can people get rid of mobbing with minimum damage. Experiencing mobbing in institutions causes a tense environment in the workplace by reducing the willingness and motivation of the victim and the audience who witness the mobbing process. Due to mobbing, the loyalty and loyalty feelings of working individuals towards the organisation are shaken.


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How to Cite

ARAZ, Ümran, ÖZDEMİR, H., KALKAN, F., YÜCEL, F., ÇELİK , E., & KINA, M. (2023). A CONCEPTUAL EXAMINATION OF MOBBING AMONG EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(30), 31–45. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8023794