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Yönetici, Etkili Öğretmen, Öğretmenlik Mesleği, İyi Öğretmen


Education; It is an open system that includes students, teachers, administrators, parents and auxiliary personnel for the healing and development of societies. Only if all parts of the system can work effectively and harmoniously together with these stakeholders can they reach their goals in the fastest way possible. In this system, teachers and students, who are one of the most important stakeholders for schools to realize their mission and vision, are undoubtedly the most effective factors for the realization of educational goals. This study was carried out in order to reveal the opinions of administrators at different education levels (kindergarten-primary school-middle school-high school) on the definition and characteristics of effective teachers. The study group of the research consists of 20 school administrators. As a data collection tool in the research, a form containing two questions was prepared for the administrators in the study group, as well as stating the level, gender and school type. Qualitative research method was used in the research. The opinions of the administrators, whose opinions were taken from different cultures and different geographical regions, were dominated by the view that teachers should constantly update themselves, keep up with the times, be fair and open to communication. Another common view is the implementation of pedagogical approaches and practices in student-teacher relations. This study was evaluated and interpreted in the light of the interviews.


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How to Cite

Balcı, M., CÜNEDİOĞLU, M., BEYAZIT, T., KÖR, Şenol, KAPİ, H., & ÖZYURT, D. (2023). EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON EFFECTIVE TEACHING. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(28). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7824994