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Six hats, thinking technique, theoretical framework


In this study, it was aimed to explain the lower hat thinking technique in a theoretical framework. In this context, studies on the lower hat thinking technique were examined and theoretical results were obtained. The six hat thinking technique serves multiple purposes. The first is that people behave independently of their emotions. Thus, it helps the individual to exhibit behaviors that help the individual to defend himself under the control of his upper consciousness. With the six hat thinking technique, the individual exhibits behaviors that are accepted in the social environment in which he lives. Again, with this technique, he can enter different roles and adapt to these roles. Another advantage of the six hat thinking technique is that when a problem is encountered, it allows to examine the problem in six different dimensions independently of emotions. Six hat thinking techniques are "easy to teach people because they can be applied easily.", "It allows different thoughts to be distinguished from each other.", "It prevents the thinkers from thinking in a single way and allows them to think in multiple ways.", "It prevents the ego from being in the front while thinking, and guides creative thinking. ”, “It provides cooperation between the parties to make constructive discoveries and prevents the discussions from becoming sterile.” and “It facilitates decision making.” It has various advantages such as “Application of six hat thinking techniques in large classrooms may cause confusion and therefore learning speed may decrease.”, “It can be difficult to adopt the roles represented by colors.” and “The teacher needs to be a good guide.” There are several disadvantages such as.


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How to Cite

GÜNGÖR, B., ARSLAN, B., YÜKSEL TUFİOĞLU, Özge S., KUTLAR , H. M., DEMİR, Özcan, & KAYA, C. (2023). A THEORETICAL EXAMINATION OF SIX-CAT THINKING TECHNIQUE. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(28), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7814507