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Okul, Liderlik, Sınıf ÖğretmeniAbstract
In the study, it was aimed to determine the views of classroom teachers about school leaders. In the light of this purpose, in the research, "How is the distribution of the opinions of the classroom teachers about the school leaders?", "What is the level of the opinions of the classroom teachers about the school leaders?" and “Do classroom teachers' views on school leaders differ significantly according to gender and professional seniority?” answers to the questions were sought. In order to find answers to these questions, the survey model was used in the research. The universe of the research consists of classroom teachers working in Hatay İskenderun district. The sample of the research is 221 primary school teachers who were determined by the "Simple Random Sampling" method among the primary school teachers working in Hatay İskenderun district. Two data collection tools were used to collect data in the study. The first is the "Personal Information Form" to learn the personal information of the classroom teachers, and the second is the "School Leadership Scale". Frequency, percentage, arithmetic means and standard deviation values were calculated from descriptive statistical methods by considering the first two sub-problems of the research, and the Independent Sample t-Test and One-Way One-way Test for the third sub-problem. Variance Analysis was performed. In the study, it was concluded that classroom teachers had a high level of views on school leadership. In addition, it was determined in the study that the views of classroom teachers on school leadership did not differ significantly according to gender and marital status variables. According to this result, it can be said that the views of classroom teachers on school leadership are similar in terms of demographic variables.
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