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Political Parties, Politics, Democracy, Saadet PartyAbstract
Political parties are indispensable institutions for all kinds of political regimes. In this respect, they undertake important functions in both democratic regimes and anti-democratic regimes. Political parties, which are dominated by the anatomy of countries, play the role of the cosmopolitan structure in the country, different ideologies and the representation mechanism of minorities with the mission they undertake. Although political parties fulfill this duty of representation together with different organizations, political parties have different functions from other organizations. The most important of these is the function of seizing power and holding the mechanism of governing. Therefore, political parties that have the potential to hold the power of power; It is one of the institutions necessary for democracy in terms of representing the people, interest groups and other civil organizations. However, while performing these functions or functions, they can sometimes be the source of a number of problems due to their own internal dynamics and sometimes due to the socio-economic structure of the countries in which they operate. The problems arising from their own internal dynamics usually arise from the philosophy they espouse. The fact that there is a conflict between the theory and practice of the ideas advocated by the parties can be a problem of political life. This problem can arise in the leader-party axis as well as in the form of party-voters. In the same way, the contradictions arising from the current system in the countries where they operate and the political ideas they defend also manifest themselves among the problems mentioned. In this study, within the framework of the Saadet Party, an analysis of Turkish politics was made in the axis of the problems arising from the internal dynamics of the party and the problems arising from the legal and political structure of the country.
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