DOI: Kelimeler:
Behavioral Economics, Finance, Prospect TheoryÖzet
Today, behavioral economics, which emerged as a result of the interaction between economics and psychology, offers different approaches to the examination of individuals’ economic behavior. In classical economics, individuals involved in economic activity are rational. However, it has been determined that this assumption does not reflect the real situation over time. In this case, individuals are not rational in the decision-making process and there is no effective evaluation under incomplete information. Even if individuals make rational decisions most of the time, they can move away from rationality under the influence of prejudices, uncertainty and risk factors. In this context, behavioral economics offers a new perspective and has recently become an important research area. In this context, the aim of the study is to evaluate the decision-making processes of individuals from a psychological perspective within the framework of behavioral economics. Accordingly, theories that are effective in the decision-making process of individuals are included. The findings draw attention to the need to consider the effect of psychology on individual behavior in studies in addition to existing theoretical approaches. In this direction, it is important for policy makers to adopt behavioral approaches in economics in order to increase the effectiveness of policies instead of only considering the rational assumption in policy applications.
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