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The global economy has shown tremendous resilience throughout the pandemic, which is faster than expected, bouncing back. The economy's momentum remains strong, but the problem has arisen in every country's supply chains, workforce availability and inflation rate. Due to the global pandemic disaster crisis of climatic changes, inequalities in the economy have arisen globally, which creates compound challenges among the citizens, government, and policymakers and reminds the entire population that problems can become watersheds of policies and strategies at any cost. As a result, the narration of division among society and community and in administration is a factor regarding the scenario. Therefore, the foundation of future development, promotion, and growth is often laid due to communities responding to the weaknesses already exposed. In this regard, the success of economic recovery still needs to be assured. History of disasters in the past shows that resilience and recovery depend on adaptability and determination. Therefore, once the pandemic diminishes, resilience agendas, especially in the economy, the backbone of every nation, will become the key to future promotion and prosperity. This paper aims to discuss the recovery of the economy in the world and its various resilience measures after the pandemic called a new normal society. The methodology has been conducted through documentary analysis through a qualitative approach. The feature question of the paper is why resilience is required to advance a more secure community through an inclusive economy in the post-pandemic scenario.


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How to Cite

MAJUMDAR, A., & EMEK, M. L. (2023). A DISCUSSION ON RECOVERY PROCESS OF SOCIETY AND ECONOMY: POST PANDEMIC PERIOD. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(31), 201–212. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10041092