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Okul Öncesi, Eğitim, Oyun.


Play is one of the most effective means of expressing the child's wishes and goals, of bringing him/her to fulfill his/her wishes and preparing him/her for life. The child spontaneously learns the behaviors, knowledge and skills necessary for life through play. Play is as important as nutrition and sleep for a child's healthy physical and mental development and education. Play is part of a natural learning process for children. During play, children learn how to solve problems, communicate, cooperate, use their imagination and many other important skills. Play is not only an educational tool but also an experience that shapes children's worldview. This study is a literature review and aims to integrate the existing knowledge about teaching with play in preschool period. Survey model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. In this study, document scanning method was used to collect data.  Data were collected by examining existing records and documents and document scanning was conducted. As a result, teaching with play in preschool plays a unique role in children's education. The profound effects of play on children's cognitive, emotional, social and physical development were identified and it was seen how play enriches the learning process.Keywords: Preschool, Education, Play.


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How to Cite

ÖNCÜ, C., TEZ, M., KEKLİK, T., & ERTUĞRUL TURĞA, S. (2023). TEACHING WITH PLAY IN PRESCHOOL PERIOD. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 9(34), 77–87. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8430109