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Eğitim Kurumları, Liderlik, Etkili Liderlik, Öğretmen


In the study, it was aimed to determine the effective leadership behaviors of school principals according to the opinions of teachers. In the research, "screening model", one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The universe of the research consists of teachers working in public schools. The sample of the study consists of 338 teachers who were accessed by the "Easy Accessible Sampling" method among the teachers. In the study, "Personal Information Form and Qualifications of Effective Leaders Scale" was used to determine the effective leadership behaviors of school principals according to the opinions of teachers. The data collected in the research were analyzed with the SPSS 25th package program. While analyzing the data, arithmetic mean and standard deviation value calculations were made from descriptive statistical methods. In addition, independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used in the study. The question "What is the level of teachers' views on effective leadership?" In line with the findings obtained for the sub-problem, it was determined that the teachers' views on the effective leadership behaviors of school principals were at the "Frequently" level in all dimensions. This result reveals that school principals show effective leadership behaviors. In the study, it was determined that the views of teachers on the effective leadership behaviors of school principals differ according to demographic characteristics such as gender, education level and professional seniority. This situation can be said to show that effective leadership depends on demographic characteristics. In other words, it has been revealed that demographic characteristics of teachers such as gender, education level and professional seniority have an effect on teachers' views on effective leadership behaviors exhibited by school principals.


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How to Cite

ALTAY, M., BAL, M., BAL, F., BAYSAL, S., & İREN, H. (2022). ANALYSIS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ACCORDING TO TEACHER’S VIEWS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 8(24), 237–252.